top deals Rinnai ES38-N Direct Vent Wall Furnace, Natural Gas
Amazon: Customer Reviews: Rinnai ES38-N Direct Vent Wall 5 stars. "Efficientand economical" Living in a snow belt means not only heavy snowfalls, but very cold temperatures - often subzero. I normally heat my home (a bit
With the ES38 you'll enjoy clean, comfortable and consistent heat all winter long
At up to 38,400 BTU's, the ES38 is perfect for larger areas that require heat. And with no need for duct work, it offers flexible and easy installation options
Rinnai ES38-N Direct Vent Wall Furnace, Natural Gas
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Rinnai ES38-N Direct Vent Wall Furnace, Features :
- Seven-stage modulating gas valve
- Self diagnostic electronics
- 80.6 percent AFUE rating
- "Cool-to-the-touch" cabinet
- 38,400 BTU/hour gas rate input

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