Review: Atlas EPS S-GDIK001 Matador Garage Door Insulation, Universal Kit for 8-Foot and 9-Foot Metal Garage Doors, Includes 8 White Boards
Amazon: Customer Reviews: Atlas EPS S-GDIK001 Matador Garage This review is from: Atlas EPS S-GDIK001 Matador Garage Door Insulation, Universal Kit for 8-Foot and 9-Foot Metal Garage Doors, Includes 8 White Boards (Tools & Home
Don’t let summer heat or winter cold lock you out of your garage. Enjoy a more finished, attractive and energy-efficient garage, ready for year-round use with the Matador Garage Door Insulation Kit. It easily transforms garage spaces into a workshop, recreation room or exercise area. Complete installation takes less than one hour, with no special tools required. Why should cars be the only ones enjoying all that space?
Atlas EPS S-GDIK001 Matador Garage Door Insulation, Universal Kit for 8-Foot and 9-Foot Metal Garage Doors, Includes 8 White Boards
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Atlas EPS S-GDIK001 Matador Garage Door Features :
- Insulation kit keeps garages warm in winter, cool in summer; Includes 8 boards for 8 or 9 foot garage door
- Helps reduce heating and cooling costs
- Simple installation, no special tools required
- Bright white, easily washable surface; Gives garages a more finished and attractive look
- Makes buildings quieter and more comfortable

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