Buy Broan Model 9815WH High Capacity Wall Heater with 1500 Watt Fan
Amazon: Customer Reviews: Broan Model 9815WH High Capacity 5 stars. "Great Product" I had this wall heater installed in a bathroom that was always cold due to two outside walls. The problem is solved. This heater is powerful
When You Need More Power For High Heat-Loss Areas, BroanÕS Large Capacity Wall Heaters are an Ideal Solution For Lobbies, Entrance Ways, Vestibules or any Area Requiring High Wattage Heating. Our Low-Profile Models Feature an Energy-Saving, Built-In Fan-Delay Switch Allowing the Heating Element to Warm Up Before Fan Starts. To Ensure Proper Shutdown, and Maximize Heat Delivery, The Fan Remains On as the Element Cools Down Broan 9815WH High-Capacity Wall Heaters Attractive White Grille - Exceptionally Durable and Heat Resistant Quiet Fan and Downflow Action Circulates Heated Air Quickly Two Mo
Broan Model 9815WH High Capacity Wall Heater with 1500 Watt Fan
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Broan Model 9815WH High Capacity Wall Features :
- 1500 Watt easily wired at installation for 120 or 240 volt
- Built-in adjustable thermostat with quiet thermally protected motor and transverse blower
- Attractive white grille with exceptional durability and heat resistant
- Hang tab aids installation The casing measures approximately 12" W x 10" H x 4" D. The exposed grille, on the other hand is 15" W x 12" H.
- Quiet fan and downflow action circulates heated air quickly

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