Monday, September 2, 2013

$$ Klien Tools VDV212-009-SEN Lateral Adjustable F-Connector Crimper

reviews Klien Tools VDV212-009-SEN Lateral Adjustable F-Connector Crimper

Klien Tools VDV212-009-SEN Lateral Adjustable F-Connector Crimper Klien Tools VDV212-009-SEN Lateral Adjustable F-Connector Crimper - Amazon Most Helpful Customer Reviews. 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.

The Klein VDV212-009 Lateral Adjustable F-Connector Crimper is a professional tool for CATV, home theater, satellite, security system and other applications. Features include: Adjustable plunger tip for assembly of multiple compression F-Connectors. High strength cast aluminum body for long life. Lateral design with split jaw for easy insertion and removal of cable and connector. Universal plunger tip, factory preset and calibrated for the following connectors: Arris-Dig icon-S and T, Corning Cabelcon-CX3, Corning Gilbert ULTRAEASE and ULTRARANGE, F-Conn-FS, Holland SLC, PCT-DRS, PPC- EX XL, C

Klien Tools VDV212-009-SEN Lateral Adjustable F-Connector Crimper

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Klien Tools VDV212-009-SEN Lateral Adjustable F-Connector Features :

  • Professional tool for CATV, home theater, satellite, security system and other applications
  • Adjustable plunger tip for assembly of multiple compression F-Connectors
  • High strength cast aluminum body for long life
  • Lateral design with split jaw for easy insertion and removal of cable and connector
  • Calibration/gauge block and hex wrench included

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