Friday, September 20, 2013

best price STI 1200 Stopper II without Horn Flush Mount, Protective Polycarbonate Cover

Review: STI 1200 Stopper II without Horn Flush Mount, Protective Polycarbonate Cover

STI 1200 Stopper II without Horn Flush Mount, Protective STI 1200 Stopper II without Horn Flush Mount, Protective Polycarbonate Cover by Most Helpful Customer Reviews. 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.

This protective cover helps prevent false fire alarms without restricting legitimate alarms. Ideal for schools, hospitals, nursing homes, stores, hotels and public buildings of almost every kind. It consists of a clear, tamperproof, tough polycarbonate cover and frame that fits over most manual pull stations. The cover is connected to the frame by a cable. When the cover is lifted, it hangs off the frame until the cover is snapped back onto the frame. The Stopper II is without horn and is for flush mounted units

STI 1200 Stopper II without Horn Flush Mount, Protective Polycarbonate Cover

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STI 1200 Stopper II without Horn Features :

  • Protective cover helps stop false fire alarms
  • Consists of clear, tamper proof, super tough polycarbonate flush mount cover and frame
  • Cover is connected to the frame by a cable
  • Lifetime guarantee against breakage under normal use

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