Cheap Mat Midwest 308444A 20-Guage Hexagonal Poultry Netting
Amazon: Mat Midwest 308444A 20-Guage Hexagonal Poultry Netting Mat Midwest 308444A 20-Guage Hexagonal Poultry Netting by Most Helpful Customer Reviews. 5.0 out of 5 stars Good quality poultry fence. April 21, 2009. By Sheila
308444B Size: 60" x 600" Features: -Netting.-Galvanized before weaving.-Reinforced lines equally spaced across the netting.-Made perfectly straight and flat, and stays that way.-Use for garden fencing, poultry enclosures, insulation retainers, storage bins, and decorative supports.-Lightweight hex mesh is offered in user friendly packaging for the do it yourselfer in a hurry.-Looking for a low cost product to accomplish their project.-For lawn and garden users.-Ideal for confinement of poultry, rabbits and other small animals.-Great for window and frame coverings, arts and craft projects.-Vege
Mat Midwest 308444A 20-Guage Hexagonal Poultry Netting
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Mat Midwest 308444A 20-Guage Hexagonal Poultry Features :
- Galvanized before weaving
- Hexagonal poultry netting has reinforced lines equally spaced across the netting
- It is made perfectly straight and flat, and stays that way
- #20 gauge
- Use for garden fencing, poultry enclosures, insulation retainers, storage bins, and decorative supports

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