top deals Minuteman International CFB-06 Bouquet Fire back
Amazon: Minuteman International CFB-06 Bouquet Fire back: Home Minuteman International CFB-06 Bouquet Fire back by Item model number: CFB-06; Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (2 customer reviews)
This lavish bouquet will remind you of summer during the long winter months.The fireback has been an indispensable part of the fireplace tradition in Europe since the 15th Century. The colonists carried this tradition to America and today you can add that touch of elegance and history to your own fireplace, while enhancing the beauty of the focal point of your room.While many people think of our Firebacks as being purely decorative, they also serve several very practical purposes. Solid cast iron firebacks absorb heat and then radiate the heat directly into the room, making the fireplace much
Minuteman International CFB-06 Bouquet Fire back
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Minuteman International CFB-06 Bouquet Fire back Features :
- Matte black cast iron.
- Measures 17-inch w by 20-inch h
- Firebacks are used for decoration and to push heat back into the room

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