Cheap Fagor LFA086XL 24-Inch Tall Tub Dishwasher with 10 Wash Cycles, Fully Integrated with Stainless Steel Door
Amazon: Customer Reviews: Fagor LFA086XL 24-Inch Tall Tub 5 stars. "WOW! Great Dishwasher" I purposely put VERY dirty dishes and pans with dried on eggs, gravy, oatmeal and other junk on them WITHOUT pre-washing just to see
Fagor LFA086XL 24-Inch Fully Integrated Tall Tub Dishwasher's interior provides more room for items that are typically too large to fit into a standard dishwasher tub. Many great features for this dishwasher includes: perfect drying, third sprinkler, height adjustable top rack easily accommodates larger items, bottom rack with fold-down supports, digital display indicates program selected, programmable time delay up to 9-hour, end-of-cycle signal, dual zone option allows for single rack washing, aqua-stop safety, water softener, and 2 cycles sanitizing (automatic and super intensive).
Fagor LFA086XL 24-Inch Tall Tub Dishwasher with 10 Wash Cycles, Fully Integrated with Stainless Steel Door
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Fagor LFA086XL 24-Inch Tall Tub Dishwasher Features :
- 10 Wash cycles
- ECO sensor monitors water quality and adjusts consumption accordingly
- Ultra silent: 45 dB(A)
- Dual zone and alternating washing
- Product specification: 33.88-Inch H by 23-1/26-Inch W by 23.63-Inch D

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