Best DuraHeat Convection Kerosene Heater
Amazon: Customer Reviews: Dura Heat DH2304 Convection Kerosene 5 stars. "Efficient and EasyClean Burning" We purchased this heater from Home Depot. There are several sold under different names all in all the same unit. We
KW-24G Specifications: -23,000 BTU convection. Warranty: -2 year warranty.
DuraHeat Convection Kerosene Heater
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DuraHeat Convection Kerosene Heater Features :
- 23,000 Btu portable indoor kerosene convection heater
- For indoor use; heats up to 900 square feet
- Matchless ignition (powered by 2 C batteries, included); no electricity required
- 1.9-gallon tank; 8 to 12 hours run time on full tank
- Use clean kerosene only; provide adequate ventilation; 2-year warranty

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