top deals KOHLER K-1840-MX Pilaster Shower Locker, Matte Nickel
Amazon: Customer Reviews: KOHLER K-1840-MX Pilaster Shower 5 stars. "great item for your shower" it fits into the wall. built in with your new tile job. holds all the necessities for your shower & looks really neat.
Pilaster Shower Locker Far too often storage and seating solutions for the shower are afterthoughts. As a result, many homeowners have to resort to makeshift solutions that are unsightly, inefficient, uncomfortable and potentially unsafe. At Kohler, storage and seating are a fundamental part of the conversation, and they're always fully integrated - aesthetically, functionally and ergonomically.
KOHLER K-1840-MX Pilaster Shower Locker, Matte Nickel
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KOHLER K-1840-MX Pilaster Shower Locker, Matte Features :
- 61-Inch by 5-Inch
- Low-profile design
- Four removable shelves
- Shelf cutouts for razor and wash cloth
- Self-rimming installation

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