reviews Minwax 14444 Polycrylic Water-Based Protective Clear Finish Semi-Gloss, 1-Gallon
Amazon: Customer Reviews: Minwax 14444 Polycrylic Water-Based 5 stars. "Highly recommended" I used this product for the first time on my 18 cabinet kitchen cabinet project. I highly recommend this product. It's easy to work with
Minwax Polycrylic Protective Finish is a crystal clear, ultra fast-drying protective topcoat for use on interior wood surfaces including furniture, trim, doors, cabinets and paneling.
Minwax 14444 Polycrylic Water-Based Protective Clear Finish Semi-Gloss, 1-Gallon
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Minwax 14444 Polycrylic Water-Based Protective Clear Features :
- It can be used over bare wood and both oil-based and water-based stains
- Polycrylic has little odor, cleans up easily with soap and water and can be recoated in only 2 hours
- Minwax Polycrylic resists damage from abrasion, scuffing, chipping, water, alcohol and other common household chemicals
- Minwax Polycrylic is not recommended on floors

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